Various types of anxiety disorders.


Anxiety disorder caused by a medical condition 

- includes symptoms of intense anxiety or panic caused by a physical health problem.

Panic disorder 

-is characterized by repeated episodes of intense anxiety, fear, or terror that peak within minutes (panic attacks). Feelings of impending doom, shortness of breath, chest pain, or a racing, fluttering, or pounding heart are all possible (heart palpitations). These panic attacks may cause you to worry about them happening again or to avoid situations where they have happened.

Anxiety disorder in general

includes persistent and excessive anxiety and worry about activities or events — even mundane, everyday issues The worry is out of proportion to the situation, difficult to control, and affects how you feel physically. It frequently coexists with other anxiety disorders or depression.


- is a type of anxiety disorder in which you fear and frequently avoid places or situations that make you feel trapped, helpless, or embarrassed.

Social phobia

- is characterized by high levels of anxiety, fear, and avoidance of social situations due to feelings of embarrassment, self-consciousness, and concern about being judged or viewed negatively by others.

Selective mutism 

-is the inability of children to speak consistently in certain situations, such as school, despite the fact that they can speak in other situations, such as at home with close family members. This can have an impact on a school, work, and social functioning.

Separation anxiety disorder 

- is a childhood disorder characterized by anxiety that is excessive for the child's developmental level and is related to separation from parents or others who have parental roles.

Substance-induced anxiety disorder 

- is characterized by symptoms of intense anxiety or panic that occur as a direct result of drug abuse, medication use, exposure to a toxic substance, or drug withdrawal.

Specific phobias

- are characterized by intense anxiety when exposed to a specific object or situation, as well as a strong desire to avoid it. Some people experience panic attacks as a result of phobias.

Anxiety Risk Factors, Complications, and Prevention


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