How to Meditate Before Going to Bed for Better Sleep

Sleeping difficulties are not uncommon. If you've tried everything imaginable — sleepy teas, melatonin supplements, rearranging your bedroom — and nothing is working, meditation may be the next step. Sleep is essential for your physical and mental health because it helps you deal with illnesses and keeps your body healthy.

Perhaps you normally have no trouble sleeping but are experiencing a new level of sleeplessness, or you simply want to find even better quality sleep. In any case, meditating before bed can teach you mindfulness and help relax both your body and mind, putting you in the right frame of mind to fall asleep. See what meditation can do for you and your sleep quality.

How Meditation Can Help You Sleep Better

Meditation has the ability to improve sleep, which is a significant advantage. Meditation is a simple way to lower cortisol levels, a stress hormone in your body, and become more relaxed, which will help you fall asleep faster and sleep better. Meditations for insomnia aim to quiet your mind, so if you have trouble sleeping because you can't turn off your brain, meditation may be a good option for you. You can forget your anxieties or stressors by centering yourself and focusing on your breathing. As a result, your body and mind should be more relaxed.

Meditation requires little effort or time commitment. A brief meditation before bedtime can significantly improve your sleep. One study on older adults published in 2012 found that a mindfulness intervention improved overall sleep quality in the short term and "appears to carry over into reducing sleep-related daytime impairment, which has implications for quality of life."

Meditation can also influence the body's melatonin, a hormone produced by the body that regulates sleep. With adequate melatonin levels, your body can recognize that it is time to sleep. That is why some people take melatonin supplements to help them sleep, but meditation can be a natural way to increase melatonin production. Instead of reaching for melatonin the next time insomnia strikes, try meditation for better sleep.

How To Meditate In Bed

If you're wondering how to meditate to sleep, remember that your meditation is only as good as you make it. However, for a very basic self-care meditation in bed, get comfortable on your mattress. Turn off the lights, the television, and your phone. Allow yourself complete silence and no distractions of any kind. Breathe normally, but be aware of the air coming in and out. Begin to clear your mind after you've given yourself time to focus on your breath. Allow any leftover thoughts from the day to clear your mind, and allow your brain to gradually calm down and relax. You can think of relaxing thoughts instead if that helps.

If you struggle with silence, consider listening to soft music or making ambient noise. Spend some time with this to allow your brain to relax and your body to shake off any metaphorical "weight" that may be weighing you down. Don't watch television or check your phone. Allow yourself to be relaxed in your bedroom as meditation lulls you to sleep.

Various Ways to Meditate Before Sleep

Meditation for Mindfulness

According to research, mindfulness meditation is an excellent way to help people get better sleep, especially the elderly. In mindfulness meditation, you want to concentrate on yourself and your current location in time. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Allow your thoughts to wash away and center yourself in the present moment. Feel the earth beneath your feet and your lungs expand and contract with each breath. Try to shake off any negative energy from the day and concentrate on your breathing. This will teach you how to cope with anxiety while also distracting you from your daily stresses.

Meditation with Guidance

Guided meditations are frequently just that: meditation sessions led by a single person. You can play a recording of someone walking through a meditation that works for you for a guided meditation before bed, or you can record yourself and play it back each night. You can even direct your thoughts through this meditation, which should emphasize positivity and relaxation. The goal is to arrive at the end feeling calm, collected, and ready to sleep.

Body Scan Meditation

A body scan meditation for insomnia will help you become aware of your entire body as you prepare for sleep. This is a good one to do right before bedtime. Scan your entire body by lying flat and still. Feel every inch of your body without moving. Maintain a steady breathing pattern throughout your scan and become aware of every aspect of yourself.

As you move your way around your body, resist the urge to think about your worries and instead concentrate on your individual body parts. You can spend as little or as much time as you want on this; just keep your thoughts on your body scan and end by letting everything go so that your body feels light and ready to sleep.

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